Our very last day and despite being on board for 2 whole weeks with 10 sea days we don’t want to get off at all :-(. Our first task was to check our photos and order our cd before noon. We did this about 11am and then went to Lumiere’s for brunch. We had our usual and just as we were finishing at about midday the DIS boards group came in for their farewell lunch. We were going to join them but the timing didn’t suit our schedule.
After brunch we caught some of the character farewell dance party in the atrium and took some video of it. Then it was off to see Rebecca and Donovan in a show in the main theatre. They had been booked to take part in the final show but also did this complete show as well. They have been on both Britain’s Got Talent and America’s Got Talent. They are a dance/strength/contortion act. It began with him singing and her doing acrobatics in a 3d square hoisted above the stage. They also did some rope and fabric acrobatics as well as some amazing moves together where she actually takes his weight at times. Their moves are slow and so smoothly controlled and yet their muscles must be screaming. They are certainly very good at what they do although I appreciate it is not everyones taste. Personally I thought it was amazing and could watch more.
After this matinee show we made our way to Crafting tote bags! There are small DCL tote bags that you can decorate with different coloureds fabric pens. To be honest we just wanted some of the tote bags but I did stay and design my own special one. I tried hard to copy logos from Paul’s polo shirt including the Disney logo and the Magic logo. It worked out ok with the slight exception of the DCL logo that went a tad awry. Still, it’s unique and my very own work of art. We got a handful of the tote bags as well and I enjoyed my hour’s creativity.
We’d arranged to meet Jacqui and a few others on secret deck 7 at 5 pm for drinks so wanted to contribute a bottle of wine. This turned out to be quite a task, With bars either having talks going on in them or being closed for rehearsals. We did manage to order one and ended up hanging around in a corridor for 10 minutes waiting for it. It arrived in an ice bucket so we took it back to the Cabin to keep cool.
3pm was the Aqua Ducky Derby that had been moved from the rough sea day. We got a spot at the front of the upper deck but since they allowed crowds all around the pool for this event we couldn’t actually see that much. There were come special decorated ducks (by cast members I think). The best was an ironman duck but others included witches and one with purple hair. There we’re also Donald and Daisy ducks present to Donald and Daisy themselves. The race consisted of all the guests ducks of which there were about 500 being thrown into the pool. The premise of the event was that ducks cost $5 and all proceeds went to the make a wish foundation. All 4 Disney ships did the event and raised $14000. The slight flaw in the plan was the way they had set up the start finish lines, they and done it the wrong ends so the wind was against the ducks! The asst cruise director had to get in the pool and literally push them all down the far end. The finish was well executed though. They had constructed a tube so that there was a clear winner. After this fresh air boost we went to our cabin to pack – a sad but necessary task that I won’t dwell on.
At 4 pm it was our final Trivia of the cruise. We joined Shaili and Apurva and didn’t think we had done well as the questions were really hard. It turned out though that we came joint first so had to go to a tie break. After 3 tie break questions that Shaili knew we lost on the question about how many changes the genie in Aladdin made. We tried 51 but the answer was 55 and the other team got it right so we ended up second. As it was the last day and a well fought battle Sam, the cruise staff quiz master offered us all prizes. Since I’d wanted a mickey winners medal all week i asked for these. They were delivered to our room later so I finally got one. See dreams do come true on Disney in the end.
We arrived a secret deck 7 a little late to join Jacqui, Joe, Noel and John for drinks. A few others were there to begin with but it soon became just the 6 of us. We talked about British and American culture and polished off a bottle of bubbly and a bottle of wine. It was a really nice sunny evening, warm enough not to need a jacket as well. We got so carried away chatting that we ended up being late for the show, and we still needed to go and say goodbye to our previous table mates and more importantly our serving staff. It was a quick change then down to Animators to say our goodbyes. The show has just started when we got there but we managed to get seats. It was the usual farewell show about a family who had been on board as well as excerpts from the previous shows and an appearance by Rebecca an Donovan and John Charles (who was funny again).
We then had our final Dinner which was in Lumieres. There was a magnificent sunset to see and we took photos of the table. These table mates are on the westbound with us next year so it was definitely farewell not goodbye.
We left our cases out after dinner and went to the till we meet again party in the atrium. All the characters were there dancing and meeting guests. We got some final pics with snow white as we were wearing our apple villains t shirts. The character exit up the stair case was very von trap esque.
Given we had to be up mega early to be off by 8 for an 11:30am flight we went to bed about 11. Feeling very sad to be leaving but both agreeing it was the best Disney cruise and a totally amazing holiday.
Homeward bound
We were up at 6:30, Paul going for breakfast whilst I got ready. We were ready to disembark by 7:30 so did so, not knowing how long customs may take. We needn’t have worried. We got straight off the boat and sailed through the EU channel whilst all the US citizens waited in line. We quickly found our cases and were sitting outside by 7:45 awaiting our 8:30 taxi. He turned up on time and drove us to the airport. The company name was zip transfers and be lived up to the name driving like Lewis Hamilton.
We had a McDonald’s breakfast at the airport (bumping into Andy one of the Brit cruise staff) and I did some final shopping on Tous – a french store with a teddy bear logo. I bought some signature teddy bear jewellery.
The flight was on time an we had exit row seats. I slept for the 2 hours whilst Paul listened to his music. We exited Heathrow swiftly, me using the iris channel but Paul not allowed to since his eye op has changed his retina scan. The cases were off quick and we awaited the car. We were loaded up and on our way by 1:30 and home by 3:30. The afternoon was spent watching the Monaco GP. Disappointing.