Transatlantic Cruise May 2013- Day 3

Breakfast arrived as ordered at 8:30. To begin with it was the wrong order but he very quickly swapped it. Toast, cereal, bagels, croissants, donuts, juice and tea. Yum. We headed out just before 10am and went to our first trivia. This was cruisin’ for trivia, a multiple choice general knowledge quiz. Despite the multiple choice we still did pretty badly so moved on. After a quick wander around the bar area it was time for trivia number 2; television theme tunes. We spotted a couple from Paul’s online group; Shaila and her husband. A really nice young couple from Chicago. They’d had t shirts from us the day before. Together we made a formidable team and won, my LA Law answer being the clincher. Feeling victorious we decided to get some lunch. We opted for the deck fast food with hot dogs and chips again. We sat in the quiet cove area to eat once more. Afterwards we both had ice creams and sat in the sun at the back of the boat. This time I applied sun cream! After this we headed back to the room where I blogged from the balcony and Paul took a siesta on the bed.

Before dinner we thought we’d try one more trivia which as Disney trivia in the Diversions bar. We were on our own for this one and with no help reverted to our previous form of doing badly. Now dejected we went back to our cabin to get dolled up for formal night.

We were first to arrive at dinner this time but were quickly joined. There were just the 6 of us again and the chap from El Paso was in full Scottish regalia, kilt, sporran, the lot. Dinner was a princess menu, another new one to us. Starters were duck quesadilla for me and sausage and potato casserole soup for Paul. I then had a Caesar salad. Mains were steak for Paul and lamb medallions for me. The lamb was really nice. Desserts were chilled chocolate soufflé for Paul and banana bread and butter pudding for me. With these full 3 meals a day I figure I’m gonna gain a few pound to trip 🙁

After dinner we went to a piano bar to listen to a guy playing movie and show themes and you had to guess them (in a very informal non competitive way). After his 45 minute set it was off the the theatre for tonight’s show. We forgot about the signers and sat at the back again. This was a full Disney production called “Twice Charmed”. It was a play on the Cinderella story and was really good. As ever, the characters were running up and down the aisles so we got to see both Cinders and Prince Charming up close.

After the show we turned in again. We start to add an hour on each evening now so it will help us stay up later and get used to eastbound jet lag gradually. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, we also booked next years cruise; a 14 night Westbound transatlantic in September. We are going to then take a week in Orlando making it a 3 week trip. It’s kind of for our 10 year anniversary (although we know that’s this year). We’ve also asked for a concierge suite to make it special but are waiting for availability.