Orlando November 2010 – Day 5

So, you wanna know what bargains we got in the black Friday sales huh? Well all in good time my friends, as firstly we need to catch up as I am posting later than usual.

I think I left you on Thanks Giving morning as we contemplated a drive out to Daytona. Since little would be open we thought this would fill the day and we set off on I4. After only 20 mins though Paul had a bright idea to go to Downtown Disney instead (after Sunday’s boycott for those of you really paying attention) so we got off I4. We knew it would be busy and we did struggle to park to begin with but once you went way back there were spaces – it just meant more of a walk, which we know the Americans hate 🙂

We started off at Marketplace and firstly checked out the new chicken restaurant on the old McD’s site to see if it was any good for future use. It was kind of KFC like with a Mexican twist. We weren’t ready to eat at that point but may well try it at some point in the future. We made our way past the Lego shop and into the World of Disney store. The little princess boutique was now taking place in the window and there were plenty of little girls wandering around with the obligatory scraped back and glittered hair with blue eye shadow. There were a few new Tink items but nothing that really inspired. A lot of the items are for kids and are too brightly coloured. Paul has been contemplating buying the re-mastered Beauty and the Beast BluRay but as yet keeps putting it back. We left empty-handed and went into the Glass store. I sooooo wish I’d bought the Swarovski Tinkerbell when she was out as she’s now retired and can’t be bought anywhere. There were Disney glass Tinks and some high priced jewelled ones but again nothing inspired.

We wandered through sports and apparel stores and into Mickey’s Pantry where there is a new section dedicated to spices and teas. After this we headed on though the Christmas shop and out to design-a-tee and the Art of Disney store.

It was scorching hot so we bought some drinks and sat by the lagoon for a while. Paul managed to break his ipad somehow (fear not he fixed it later) that he carries around constantly as well as an iphone and some other gadgetry device!

We decided to get the boat over to Westside to check out what’s new over there and meander back. Gone is the Diana Exhibit as is the Memorabilia shop. The restaurants are all there and there is a new “build a car” store in the old Virgin Megastore (that had been the Diana exhibit). The idea is that you build a toy remote control car from various bits – a little like build a bear for boys (and tom boys). The idea was good and whilst we would have no doubt had fun building the end result was very much a child’s toy and the components soon added up in cost too so we didn’t partake!

The magic shop is still there as is Disney Quest, the sweet shop and a trinkety shop called Hoi Polloi. Then the old memorabilia shop is now a Disney store. On the way past eagle eyed Paul spotted a Chanel logo charm on the floor. It looked real so like a magpie I picked it up with the intent of making my own Chanel keying!!

The Disney shop here was full of the Vinylmation. These are plastic Mickey Mouse figurines that come decorated. The idea is that you don’t know what you get as the boxes are unmarked and kids (and adults) collect and trade them. There are several ranges like Parks 1 thru’ 5, Toy Story, Muppets, sports etc etc. Some recent ones are available to buy as seen ie you do know what you get. The standard size is about 3 to 4 inches but there is a large 6-inch version and a 1 to 2 inch key chain version too. There are also plain ones that you can customise by drawing on them and sticking things on them. I was going to buy one with some glitter in an attempt to create a bling Vinylmation but decided I am not creative so didn’t! Instead I bought a key chain. They were all ok bar a vile green and black one so I didn’t mind which of the other 17 I got. As I paid the server asked if I wanted to open it there and then. A little girl had just opened her normal size one and was ecstatic so at risk of an anti-climax I declined and opted to keep the suspense until later.

We wandered back past the balloon (which had very little queue after our 1 hour wait last year!) and though Pleasure Island back to Marketplace. The T Rex restaurant was heaving and seemingly has build-a-dino now too.

We walked back to the car and I decided to open by key chain……………. You know what’s coming don’t you? Yep, the bloody green and black one. Paul reckons he could have put money on it. I want to know why I deserve bad karma.

We left Downtown Disney and came home. We’d skipped lunch again so it was to be an early tea once more. Paul wanted his beloved Kobe so we set out about 6pm. As we approached we had a minor spider incident in the car – it crawled up the windscreen and out of site. Being dark I did not relish the journey home sharing with Mr spider and as I stressed out Paul got even stressier as he found Kobe to be closed! I know it’s Thanks Giving but surely these guys aren’t really American 😉

As we left Kobe Mr spider decided to show himself and Paul managed to squish him. As long as Mrs spider doesn’t come looking for him we’re ok.

We headed back down the 192 and decided on TGI’s. It was busy but we got seated easily enough. Paul had the chicken and prawn pasta again and I had the Jack Daniels’ chicken. The food was good but we seemed to be rushed through by our server.

We came home and decided to watch The Office DVD we had bought. It was unseen footage in small scenes. It started ok but after a while the DVD player began to play up to such an extent we had to give up. Being region coded we couldn’t watch it on the laptop before you ask and yes we do have a US player at home to watch it on thanks!

We needed to get an early night so went to bed setting our alarm for 7am!

When it went off at 7 this morning we were remarkably awake so leapt out to get ready. We got a drive thru’ brekky from Ronald as ever and arrived at the Florida Mall just after 8:30.

It was really busy at the Mall – seemingly more so than we remembered last year. We managed to find a parking space by the hotel. The cars were streaming out (there was a bigger queue to exit than to get in!) and people were walking out with tons of shopping – they’d taken suitcases and holdalls to fill!

So if you’re still with me we’re at the purchases bit (I often wonder if by this point you really are enthralled or bored witless but I get good feedback (honest) so I continue to drivel on). First stop was Nine West and I tried on some black wedge heeled ankle boots and a pair of black work shoes (heels and buckles on the front). The work shoes were 50% off the already discounted price coming in at $25 so were a must. The boots still worked out at 80 bucks so I decided were a no go.

After this we headed down to the Apple store. All Mac Air notebooks had $101 off so I got well excited as I want to get the 11inch. But guess what? It was all EXCEPT the 11 inch (bad karma again – not happy). Given it was still full price at 1000 bucks there was no reason to buy today so I’ll decide at the end of the holiday. There was money off ipods too for anyone who wanted one.

Then it was Sephora (a make-up store). I wanted some Dior eye shadow, which I did get but sadly at full price. After this we went into Macy’s but could see no door busters or deals. A few shops have gone from the Mall including my beloved Steve Madden (a shoe shop). A stop at Trade Secret next to get my nail stuff and then into Dillard’s. I invested in some Spanx (body control undies as it happens to us all ;-)) and also found a fab Ugg handbag. Being Ugg it was also full price as they don’t discount (if you ever see discounted Uggs I guarantee you they are fake (or knock off!)). We also got a few crimbo prezzies and I got a Blackberry case. Paul has a cold so was not really in the mood for shopping so got nothing at all!

So, all in all a few purchases but other then my Nine West shoes no real black Friday bargains.

We left the Mall at half 11 and headed to Subway for some lunch. We have 9pm reservations at the California Grill tonight so wanted a light lunch to see us through. We went to the old Goodings plaza and sat outside to eat.

After this we had to go to the IPG office to deal with the house short sale paperwork. We met with Craig who’d gone way too far with the teeth whitening and sun-bed in my opinion but seemed ok. A bit of a wide boy brit but insists this is our best option. We signed our paperwork and came home to write our hardship letter and fill in our finances table. And that’s where we are now. Out by the pool emailing, blogging and filling in the necessary. We’ve had a downpour but it’s cleared up now and the temperature is really pleasant. We have a couple of hours before we need to head out so are chillaxing!

We have not been to California Grill before so hope it is good. It is in Disney’s Contemporary Resort hotel and has a view of the ‘Wishes’ fireworks at Magic Kingdom. You’ll get the review soon enough readers so for now I’ll sign off.